Title Card Animation in Final Cut Pro, no audio.
Title Card Animation in After Effects, no audio.
Simple 2D/3D enviroment Title Card Animation in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
Simple 2D/3D enviroment Title Card Animation in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
Simple 2D Flash animation. The SWF file had interaction buttons. (this obviously isn't the interactive SWF file though) Adobe Flash.
Simple 2D comicbook page animation with video elements thrown in. Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects

3D animation all elements rendered and created in 3dMax.

3D animation seamless rotation of a tribal chrome design thingy 3dMax.
Simple (really simple) live music video animation. Doyle - Dreaming Dead Girls - a few filters and text adds, after effects, premiere pro, photoshopx.
The infamous monkey beer commercial animation TEST. Final Cut Pro, Photoshop. ..infamous because the volume was so loud it broke speakers ..."if its too loud"...